
Saturday, February 23, 2013

RidgeCity Week 1

We have finally started our Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) practical sessions in the community! My community is Mariannridge (AKA RidgeCity), located just outside Pinetown.

It wasn't the smoothest start, as we (Student audiologists) weren't able to access the hearing screening equipment before leaving. But none the less, we were able to get involved in the local clinic and preschool. Armed with our otoscopes, gloves and alcohol swabs, we worked together with the student speech therapists who were conducting speech and language screening on all of the Grade R's (+-5 year olds) at the Preschool. We were able to do otoscopic examinations and oral peripheral examinations on all of the grade R's in the first half of the morning.

We identified a few children with impacted wax, and many more whose teeth were decaying. Oral hygiene may be an area that we need to create some awareness in, particularly from the speech therapists point of view!

I really enjoy working with preschool children, they come up with the funniest things, and otoscopic evaluations and OPE's can always be turned into a game. And if all else fails, the reward of a sticker is a sure way to gain compliance!

Some of the children do not speak english. Whilst there were Zulu-speaking students around who could have been used as translators, or taken over the examinations all together, I decided to take on the challenge and have fun putting my limited Zulu vocabulary to use. It didn't go so badly, I was able to get my instructions across and complete the examinations.
I really do enjoy trying to speak Zulu with both children and adults: some of the reactions are priceless! I also find that it is a great ice-breaker!

The second half of the morning was spent in the local clinic, observing the facilities and how the clinic runs. One of the things that stuck out to me was a sign in the waiting room that read: "Waiting time is 3-4 hours". It really does become a whole-day experience, it can't be fun waiting that long! Particularly when you have small children with you!

All in all it was an interesting day, and I look forward to returning next week!

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